Daniel Matalon is the founder of #IsThereEnough, a provocative new conversationabout the intersection of survival economics and social justice. He is also theco-founder of Impact Launchpad, a UK based venture studio for social impactincubation and development.
Working from a book, a conversation, and a unique social researchexperiment that has taken him to 22 countries, Mr. Matalon isasserting that humanity’s biggest existential threat is not climatechange, tribalism or inequality but our inability to make agreementwith each other at the level we require to address our challenges.
His upcoming title, The First Agreement, is an historical and futureleaning look at economics, scarcity, and survival, that suggeststhat our drivers of incentive can be measurably built aroundhuman beings at the center of our economies, rather than theassets and resources we measure them by today.